Rock en español es la música rock compuesta e interpretada en castellano. A diferencia del rock en inglés, el rock en español ha logrado tener éxito mundial en pocas ocasiones, y muchas veces ni siquiera entre países de habla hispana. Por eso el rock en castellano se ha desarrollado de manera heterogénea en las distintas naciones hispanohablantes; quedando así la música de muchas bandas para uso casi exclusivamente nacional hasta la llegada de la globalización de contenidos multimedia acentuada por la generalización de internet y desarrollada especialmente en el siglo XXI.

Biografia Lilys

➽ Biografía de Lilys

Banda de Indie Rock formada en Filadelfia a comienzos de la década de los noventa, y con sede en Washington, DC. El grupo se compone de cantante,compositor y guitarrista Kurt Heasley y una larga lista de músicos en constante evolución. Estilísticamente su música ha evolucionado de Shoegazing,impregnada a su vez de la música de los años 60 de grupos como Kinks, Beatles, ..., hacia a un sonido más suave en sus últimos álbums. Su canción más famosa es "A Nanny In Manhattan", que se convirtió en un hit del Reino Unido después de haber sido utilizada en 1998 en una campaña publicitaria para Levi's jeans.


Letra de Dimes Make Dollars

Here now the trouble I'm finding
The mountain I am climbing
Keeps moving out from under
There's nothing I mind when I find
My mountain has gotten up to leave
And would have left if it weren't for me

As the sinister alphabet
That makes his first scene
Decked out to the nines

Arrows in ventricles say what they mean
As they whisper you troubles
You wish for her
Now don't say you don't
Oh really I can't, I won't
It's not your monsters that I mind
Now with the wallet I am missing
The bird you're velvet fisting
Or licking off some make-up
Ain't no new one-trick pony
Behind my old door
But man, there man
He don't know where you've been
And if I would share,
Would it be cool with him

As the sinister alphabet
Crashes my scene
Decked out to the nines
While ale in my oatmeal
Has made me quite mean
As they whisper your troubles
You wish for her (sounds like you miss her)
Now don't say you don't
Oh really I can't, I won't
It's not your monsters that I mind
Oh baby, you're better
I've packed up my bad vibe
So tell me is it really different when the light
Is tinted to the point you only see
A rosy shadow of the sea
Here better can't make your life better

And you have everything you need
Boxed up your beauty, gone to sleep
Out like the lady in his arms
Go tell daddy what is wrong

There was this trouble I was finding
The mountain I was climbing
Kept going away
And finally went away
Far away are all the years
You were my little girl of the World
Far away are all the years you were.......