La música pop (del inglés pop music, contracción de popular music) es un género de música popular que tuvo su origen a finales de los años 1950 como una derivación del tradicional pop, en combinación con otros géneros musicales que estaban de moda en aquel momento. Los términos música pop y música popular se usan a menudo de manera indistinta, aunque el segundo tiene un sentido más amplio al dar cabida a otros géneros distintos del pop que se consideren populares.

Biografia The Veronicas

➽ Biografía de The Veronicas

The Veronicas es un dúo australiano de pop/electro-pop/pop-rock formado por las gemelas Lisa Marie y Jessica Louise Origliasso, (25 de diciembre de 1984, Brisbane) quienes son de ascendencia italiana.

Nacieron y crecieron en Albany Creek, (suburbio localizado al noroeste de Brisbane, Australia) en dónde acudieron a la secundaria Wavell State High School. A temprana edad mostraron interés por la música y la actuación, participaron con pequeños papeles en shows locales de televisión; más tarde comienzan a tocar música y se dan a conocer como "Lisa and Jessica". Después cambian el nombre de su grupo a "Teal".


Letra de 4 Ever Doh

I saw it in the news
You told me they were wrong
And I stood up for you
'Cause I believed you were the one

You had all the chances in the world
To let me know the truth
What the hell is wrong with you?

Chorus: Are you even listening when I talk to you?
Do you even care what I'm going through?
Your eyes stare & they're staring right through me
You are right there but it's like you never knew me
Do even know how much it hurt?
You gave up on me to be with her
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

I'm so mad at you right now
I can't even find the words
And you're on the way down
I can't wait to see you burn

You try to make me hate that girl
When I should be hating you
And what the hell is wrong with you?

Chorus: Are you even listening when I talk to you?
Do you even care what I'm going through?
Your eyes stare & they're staring right through me
You are right there but it's like you never knew me
Do even know how much it hurt?
You gave up on me to be with her
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were (x2)

Nothing can save you now that it's over
I guess that you'll find out when you're no one
Don't say you're sorry now 'cause I just don't care

Nothing can save you now, nothing.
Nothing can save you now, nothing.

Chorus: Are you even listening when I talk to you?
Do you even care what I'm going through?
Your eyes stare & they're staring right through me
You are right there but it's like you never knew me
Do even know how much it hurt?
You gave up on me to be with her
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were (x2)