New wave (nueva ola) es un término global para varios estilos pop/rock de fines de la década de 1970 y mediados de la década de 1980, con vínculos con el punk y ciertos géneros del rock de los años 1970. Inicialmente, al igual que con el posterior rock gótico, la new wave se mantuvo prácticamente análogo al post-punk antes de ramificarse como un género distintamente identificado (aunque la new wave apareció primero que el post-punk), incorporando música electrónica, experimental, mod, disco y pop. Posteriormente engendró subgéneros y fusiones, incluyendo new romantic y rock gótico.

Biografia Men At Work

➽ Biografía de Men At Work

Se puede decir que son la banda australiana más famosa de todos los tiempos después de AC/DC. Más populares aún que INXS o la Little River Band, Men At Work es la única agrupación de esas tierras que ha logrado ocupar el primer lugar tanto en Estados Unidos con sencillos y con álbumes.

La historia de Men At Work empieza con el cantante Colin Hay, nacido y criado en Escocia. Su padre tenía una tienda de artículos musicales en Glasgow. Fue allí donde aprendió a tocar todos los instrumentos. En 1967, cuando tenía 14 años, su familia se muda a Australia. Para hacer la mudanza menos pesada, el padre le regala a Colin un amplificador de 15 vatios.

Letra de Dr Hekylls Y Mr Jive

Dr. Heckyll works late at the laboratory
Where things are not as they seem
Dr. Heckyll wishes nothing more desperately
Than to fulfill all of his dreams
Letting loose with a scream in the dead of night
As he's breaking new ground
Trying his best to unlock all the secrets
But he's not sure what he's found
Dr. Heckyll is his own little guinea pig
'Cos they all think he's mad
Sets his sights on the search of a lifetime
And he's never, never sad

Whoa oh, it's off to work he goes
In the name of science and all its wonders

This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
They are a person who feels good to be alive
This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
Believes the underdog will eventually survive

Not long now till the ultimate experiment
He's breaking all the rules
He wants to cure all matter of imbalance
In this world of fools
He locks the door and he looks around nervously
He knows there's no one there
He drinks it down and waits for some reaction
To all his work and care

Hey, hey he fumbles for what to say
He loves the world except for all the people

This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
They are a person who feels good to be alive
This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
Believes the underdog will eventually survive

Whoa oh, it's out at night he goes
He slips easily into conversation

Hey hey, he's cool in every way
Sometimes he loves to sing that old black magic

This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
They are a person who feels good to be alive
This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
Believes the underdog will eventually survive

This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
They are a person who feels good to be alive
This is the story of Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive
Believes the underdog will eventually survive