La música alternativa es uno de los estilos musicales más populares a nivel internacional. El rock alternativo fue producido como una alternativa a la música a finales de los 80 y principio de los 90. Siendo en esta última década donde alcanza gran aceptación por parte de los amantes de la música, y esto se debió en gran medida a la colaboración de bandas punk de los años 70 y 80. La baja en popularidad del rock alternativo fue debido a la sobresaturación del mercado causado por los ejecutivos de compañías disqueras quienes solo pensaban en ganar plata.

Biografia Art Brut

➽ Biografía de Art Brut

Art Brut debut del single "Formed A Band" se convirtió en un eslogan a través de indie-pop-rock de Londres, un llamado a las armas a una nueva generación decidida a burlarse de todo y de todos.

Art Brut son:


Letra de Ice Hockey

You want to sleep and I do too
But I can't because I've got something to prove
I should be flattered that you feel like this
Satisfied by just a goodnight kiss

I can't sleep because I've started to question
Whether your ex-boyfriends let you get this much resting
I'm not going to let you sleep
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets

In the morning you'll still be here
But you're sleeping now, you've made that clear
I should be flattered that it's come to this
Where you're satisfied by just a goodnight kiss

I'm not going to let you sleep
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets
I'm not going to admit defeat
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets

You're asleep, I wish I was too
But I can't because I've got something to prove
I tried to wake you with a really loud cough
I accidentally set your alarm clock off

I can't sleep because I've started to question
Whether your ex-boyfriends let you get this much resting
I'm not willing to admit defeat
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets

In the morning you'll still be here
But you're sleeping now, you've made that clear
I should be flattered that it's come to this
Where you're satisfied by just a goodnight kiss

I'm not going to admit defeat
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets
I'm not going to let you sleep
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets

I should be flattered that it's come to this
Where you're satisfied by just a goodnight kiss

In the morning you'll still be here
But you're sleeping now, you've made that clear
I'm not going to admit defeat
I'm pulling on blankets and tugging on sheets